Saturday, December 25, 2004

Felizzle Navidizzle

Well, here we are
It has made me glad to read everyone else's posts on their blogs. Mere months ago, I would have read Tina's Blog song and been like 'What?' But now, I feel connected...the warm fuzzy. There is almost a tear ;-p Good looking out.

Last night my family and I went to San Jose de Los Duranes, a little old chapel in one of the historic neighborhoods of Albq. that we live closest to. They actually had the traditional New Mexican Posadas, which I love. I finally got the full Spanish words to the Posada songs---- sorry ya'll NWN folk- I was trying to get them in time for our Posada, but I couldnt. They are actually really cool. Eventually I will post them up.

This was the first year my dad dicided to put luminarias out. Its amazing-- only in New Mexico do the Wal Marts sell massive amounts of discount paper bags and candles in bulk-- soley for making luminarias. We spent a few hours filling them and putting the candles in. It turned out pretty cool.

Today, we went to my grandparents house. My aunt and uncle and cousin are visiting from Ausitn, TX. And my other uncle and aunt (who is pregnant) were there too. It was good to see my cousins- they are both 11, and they remind me that there is some youthfulness in my family still. We watched the Lakers Heat game and then had a grip of posole and tamales and biscochitos (New Mexican sugar/cinnamon cookies) My grandma's posole is bomb....

I have slept a LOT this week. Partly, it is catching up on sleep from the fall, but a lot of it is, I just become very lethargic and unmotivated when i am home. I have not had much good reflection time, or prayer time, which i am irritated about. But isnt it ok? I dont know.

For the last 3 days, my brother, dad and I have watched the Matrix Trilogy for like 8 hours a day. My dad is funny that way, becasue he'll go to bed in the middle of Matrix Revolutions, and then the next morning, we tell him "This is the scene we left off at" But he has no memory of it, so he starts it like 15 scenes back, so we actually watched the bulk of Matrix Revolutions about 3 times in the last 2 days. I have also been playing a lot of Halo II with my brother. It is shocking how lethal he is at this game. I may have tied Ernie for 2nd place in NWN, but Joe is on a whole other level.


  1. Hiya Jacob! It's also nice to be connected with you and to hear what's up the the Alb-B-Q. Sounds like things are going well.

    BTW, it was Eric's blog song, not mine. I'm neither creative enough nor brave enough to post any of my feeble attempts at poeticism, although I'm very glad that you and others are. Blessings, friend!

  2. I saw a moist towellete, and it reminded me of you.
