Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I got more lines than a fake Adidas sneaker

last spring i asked myself, what do i value, what makes my heart come alive. it was a helpful thing to do...affirming the way God made me.....i thought i'd share a few

seeing families together, loving each other, talking, being there for each other

seeing a child learn something new

seeing a child who is excited about someone, something or some idea

seeing humble people listen and serve


seeing children love one another

laughing and joking

seeing wisdom in a friend, a parent, a grandparent or old person

hearing people pray and praise God

Seeing people happy and proud about something they created

good weather

acting a fool

barbecues in the park with neighbors and family


seeing people cry tears of joy

seeing people with hope an passion in the midst of oppressive situations

being encouraged and complimented

good food

people who do not seek recognition for their talents or appearacne or posessions

people speaking Spanish

my grandparents

chilling with Scooter

chilling with my brother Joe

making fun of myself

playing basketball or football outdoors with people i love


making people laugh

mountains, deserts, rivers, mesas, forests


unlikely people coming together

thinking about Zion

riding a bike downhill

a good book

hip hop

seeing a child trust in God , make a mature decision, be articulate

Talking to my brother John

my grandma Vigil

my family history

comforting people who mourn

good teaching

1 comment:

  1. Jacob, I like this a lot! Let's do dinner sometime soon!
