Tuesday, January 10, 2006

sometimes i have nothing to say, but i am too prideful and insucure to remain silent

sometimes i feel like i am not as mature or adult as everyone around me

sometimes i feel like my passions are a waste of my time to think about
and a waste of other people's time to talk about

snap out of it


  1. jake~ are any of these thoughts God's words to you? Jesus is not there to make us feel better but to tell us the truth about who we are. So when Jesus says to you-- "Hey, have some grace. I made you uniquely, and I take delight in your passions" please receive that as unshakable truth not just comfort. The rest is lies that will hurt you and tear you down... Don't let what's not of the Lord consume you. love, lex ;-)

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    just bless us with the deep shit as it comes to you. we love it.

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I appreciate this...reminiscent of my own fight for Truth and beauty amongst the whatever of this world. I don't know you from Adam but...thanks.
