Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I have been reading this book as a part of my effort this season to take Sabbath more seriously. This verse about ministry flowing from solitude sticks out to me. it concerns judgementalism and compassion.

"judgement creates the distance, the distinction which prevents us from really being with the other"

This strikes to some of my deeper and shameful sinfulness, which is in judging others and being self-righteous. This was plaguing me last semester, and God has been teaching me a lot about my own condition and the (sometimes) painful humility it takes to do something as basic as love others, live daily life with them, and even pray for them.
I picked up a Novena Manual from home when I was there. This is a small booklet published by an order in the Catholic church that is devoted to meditating on and adoring the Precious Blood of Jesus and the sufferings and joys of Mary and Joseph. It has reminded me of the basic truth of my faith, which sadly, i dont think about much when my mind and life are so consumed with action and ministry: That Jesus' blood was Holy and Precious and that for his entire life, he was destined to shed it painfully, every drop, so that my sinfulness could be washed away. There is a solemn beauty in this, which is conveyed wonderfully and worshipfully in the Catholic tradition.
How I need to be reminded of Jesus' blood every day as it is hard to be humble and see myself as no better than others. I need it just as much as they do.

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