Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Ash Wednesday and Chinese New Year

today was the fullest day i've had in a long time. i feel that satisfied-and-exhausted-after-a-long-day-at-work feeling.

for real though, it is only because of God that i am able to get through a day like this....I was thinking back to when i was working as a TA during work ethic, my maturity, my emotional stability.....God has really been by my side like a father, raising me up from the child that i was. i guess i still am a child, but you know....

I had been organizing a talent show for the kids at Walden's after school. This turned out to be a lot of stress, but it was fun. as the MC having to organize which kids would perform at what times, and deal with all the unexpected stage frights, lack of props and general chaos that is involved with working with kids---I was totally worn out at the end. but it went as well as could be expected with the limited time i had gievn myself to work on it. the kids liked it. parents liked it.

then we took the youth from our bible studies in NWN to a youth fellowship in Eagle Rock. I really like getting togehter with all the other youth that i dont normally see. it makes it feel a lot more like a community. i wish i was more in touch with what was going on with everyone....but maybe its just that i am used to knowing everything about a group of kids becasue it is a part of the jobs i have had.
When we go to Eagle Rock, Frankie, George, Juan and Arturo (all 8th and 9th grade youth that i am closest to and in my bible study) all rush to ride with me becasue we bump Tupac full blast in my car with the windows down on the 134 freeway. We roll with the wind blowing through the car, just listening to Tupac, and they are all so quiet and can tell it is a brief time that they really enjoy...

i enjoy it too

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jacob, thanks for the props on my post, and I wanted to do likewise. I totally dig your stuff, especially your poetry, and it is inspiring me to look for new and creative ways to express my feelings about what I am seeing in the city. One of these days I'll get brave enough to post them...

    You've probably already seen this, but I thought you might enjoy this website: Tha Shizzolator. Not to be disrespectful to her heartfelt sentiments about her "shorties", but Irasema's essay is even doper when it's been Shizzolated.
