Tuesday, January 11, 2005


last night i kicked it with jonder, my homie from Pomona....at his house in East Pasadena. Had some authentic Taiwanese food and talked with his parents for a while about some cool stuff.

this week has been better so far. it was nice to have the sun out. at work i had some opportunity to practice my conflict resolution skills on the playground, as two pairs of girls in my class started to have beef and accuse each other of "saying stuff about us" and "one time when i was in line, Adriana said 'Be quiet Arlene!'" Its funny how there can be such drama in the 2nd grade. We managed to work out the misunderstanding, but i wasnt totally satisfied becasue there was still tension and bitterness by the time recess was over. i had to hand it over for the teacher to deal with after I went home.

Today i got a card from the Chavez family in Manila for my birthday. I also got the DVD 'Scratch' from Amazon. It is the dopest and most complete documentary on hip hop DJ culture and its history.

word up.

sadly, my brother emailed me today to say that they are not allowing him to have computers, books, or music in his post, as it is not 'essential.' So he is not able to stay in contact as much as he was. I think that is bullshit.
I was listening to Radio Pacifica this morning to an interview with Howard Zinn, one of my favorite all time scholars, historians and one who has a big impact on me. He reminded me that the war in Iraq is illegitimate, illegal and 'inexcusably immoral' True muh-f--ing that. Somehow, that gives me comfort in a wierd way. To know that according to international law, this war is illegal, to know that it is illegitimate in the eyes of most of the world, and has been seen to be totally brutalistic and immoral (collateral damage, Abu Ghraib, etc) ---somehow it is comforting to know that those responsible will be held accountable....History will record this as one of the most shameful, audacious events in our nations history-- but more importantly, it will not be overlooked by the eyes of God.

1 comment:

  1. It must've been good to see jonder. Wonder what the history books'll say about us?
