Thursday, November 03, 2005

hope it goes well

Tonight Teresa and I are going over to Cal State Fullerton to begin a teaching series on justice and God's love for the poor. I will be speaking for 30 min on the topic of God's identifying with the poor...
I am a little nervous about going into this. i am just not sure how it will be recieved or how well my talk presents the material i want to get across.
please pray that the Holy Spirit works through it and that people hear what they need to hear.
i like preaching to a group, but it still makes me nervous, especially when i dont really know the crowd


  1. Yeah dude,
    I'll pray for you too. As I got home from work and came to an empty house, I suddenly remembered why Jeremy wasn't gonna be there. Sorry I forgot to come, but I'll pray.

  2. hey j, how'd it go?

    So glad you're preaching. Let me know when you preach on a Tuesday night, i need to hear you someday.
