Tuesday, October 04, 2005

random verse

simple lying like nothing
breath in the space behind her teeth
eyelash curved black like
the middle of her eye
only this
only forever

mouth of red
speaks whispered mutterings
sound like your name
but really are just
sounds of air and lips and
tongue and teeth
against dream silkiness
laughing spurts out
smiled, giggled
looked the other way

this is the clay of life
of touch
of bodies’ imperfection
and perfect beauty
the slight embarrassment of
physical contact
even when you invited it

olas en el mar
me siento triste
nadando en olas
en mares
en mares de flores
mares de blanco, crema
dedos suaves
estoy contento pero chiquito
en el azul
azul cómo
un lago profundo
que nunca existió

to the outside you work
arrive on time
fulfill expectations
and behave yourself
but in your heart you are the Earth’s musician
you are the giant resting on a bed of millions of rain-wet pine trees
you are every bird
every fish
every fast thing on every unsearched continent
the singer of melodies never heard
the son on ancient stories
the untouchable boy hero of the woods
and the creek
and the plains
sleeping in grass under a billion stars
the day before never holds you down
and the next day never exists until you create it
with brazen fervor and arrogance

“Turn your eyes from me,
they overwhelm me…”
Song of Songs 6:5

where have I belonged
during my life?
I remember times in the house
times of afternoon light
lazily beaming through curtains
and catching tiny pieces of dust
in the middle of a sublime dance
in the air
each small speck illuminated as if
it were the moon catching the brilliant
light of the sun and flinging it lovingly
back to nighttime Earth
I would lay on the brown orange carpet and wonder
why can I only see the dust that is in the light
are there more that I don’t see, more hidden in the dimness
but no less beautiful?


  1. Beautiful, Jacob, beautiful.

    I missed your verses.

  2. Haunting and exhilarating :)
    Kind of like a great U2 song.
    And man, what a great verse--I had forgotten that verse existed

  3. Masaki said it well. Beautiful, Jacob. Keep it coming~

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    U2, huh...JUST like that...

  5. you've got a gift
