Friday, July 01, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
We stole thier combo plate idea

"It absolutely is Mexican food, with no qualifiers. The great Chicano scholar Américo Paredes coined the term “Greater Mexico” to refer to how, even though Mexican migrants might’ve gone into the United States, that somehow didn’t negate their mexicanidad on virtue of geographic movement; they were still Mexican."
And some more interesting tidbits on regional variations:
I'm happy about the shout-out to NM food, and I did not know that Cali-Mex was largely pocho Sonoran. Makes sense, though. Although there are probably plenty of immigrants from Mexico's deep south in the state, the political and social continuity between California and Baja/Sonora goes back to the days of Serra and de Anza.
Monday, June 27, 2011
How do you know?

In my other class, a policy course, we had a discussion last week about bullying. For those who aren’t in the know, bullying has become the hot and trendy topic in the field of social work and school counseling. Anti-bullying campaigns and curricula abound. The LGBTQ community has been key in raising the issue of bullying as it impacts their community. I have no qualms with the LGBTQ movement to shed light and change on this issue. I am skeptical, however, about the growing discourse on bullying in general as a new social issue in need of clinical and policy intervention.
As my classmates shared their horrifying experiences of working in high schools that “had no anti-bullying program whatsoever!”, I was thinking to myself, where is the research that shows the negative social impact of bullying? Are suicide rates and depression measurably higher than they would normally be without bullying? Is there any data that shows bullying as a new phenomenon, or is it just a new label for an age-old fixture of adolescence?
I wonder how data figured into Nehemiah’s rebuilding of Jerusalem? Or Joseph’s management of the Egyptian food crisis. Or Daniel’s administrative duties in the Persian government.
What I’m seeking to understand is , in the complicated pipeline from education to knowledge production to advocacy to policy change, how do I honor God and steward his resources?
I have thought a lot about the relationship between being educated/having power and discipleship. I really do believe that for those of us who have been blessed with the opportunity to obtain “higher education,” we are called to invest that resource in whatever will bear lasting fruit. These are our “talents.” In our era, information truly is a tool of power.
The Romans knew this in Jesus’ time, using the census to keep track of their subjects for tax purposes.
I am still formulating my thoughts about how my current work fits in with my faith and God’s calling for my life. I have no doubt that it does—although it may be more tangible when you are working face-to-face with clients in the “helping” professions.